Healing Rank 1

Healing Rank 1
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2 / 5
Prereqs: 3 Power Points
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

Healing is the magic of life, restoring and rejuvenating the injured and destroying undead. There is a flash of Pink when it is cast.

Special Rules for the Healing School:

If your character knows how to cast any Healing spells, you must be aware of all the logistical responsibilities involved. The necessary tag exchanges are described below, but you should read the Playing the Game Chapter for more details.

Healing magic that harms undead does double the normal damage. For example, a Heal Person spell that would normally heal for 12 Body Points would do 24 points of direct body damage to the undead character. Like with any spell, the caster should not double the damage when calling the effect of their spell, the player of the undead character will do the appropriate modifications themselves. If a spell does not list a special affect for undead characters, then it has no effect

Rank 1:

Spell Verbal: I Draw Upon the Earth to

  • …Detect Life.        0/1 Power Points      Instant.
    • This spell informs the caster of the state of a character’s health. Detect Life can be used to determine if a character is truly dead or just faking it, is Unconscious, Bleeding to Death, Mortally Wounded, at the Brink of Death, or Dead and can be used to determine whether a character is undead. This spell can also be used to determine how hurt a character is. The target character of the spell should state how many Body Points they have lost. This spell cannot reveal a Feign Death spell or if the character has any parasitic or symbiotic life forms in them.
    • The Detect Life spell costs no Power Points if the caster is touching the character; the spell costs 1 Power Point if the caster tosses a spell packet at the character.


  • Heal this Person        3 Body Points per 1 Power Point, variable        Instant
    • This spell will cure 3 Body Points for every Power Point spent by the caster. When the spell is cast, the caster must state the number of Body Points being cured; for example, “I Draw Upon the Earth to Heal This Person… Fifteen Body Points” cures 15 Body Points and means that the caster spent 5 Power Points. Characters may not be healed above their normal Body Point maximum.
    • This spell will damage undead. For every point that would normally be cured, an undead will take 2 Body Points of damage.

Healing Rank 2
Healing Rank 3
Healing Rank 4

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